
A Quick, safe & effective way to remove unwanted skin lesions. A treatment which uses extreme cold to destroy tissue, to remove unwanted skin imperfections, such as, skin tags, warts, moles, verruca’s & cherry angiomas to mention a few.


Cryotherapy is a procedure that uses extreme cold to destroy tissue. The process is called cryo-necrosis, tissue destruction by freezing. Cryopen is a relatively pain free & safe, non surgical way to get rid of skin tags moles and a number of other imperfections on the skin.


The Cryopen is held as close as possible to the skin imperfection and moved quickly towards and away from it. This could be from 1 to 30 seconds depending on the size and depth of the lesion.

After the first freeze cycle, the tissue is allowed to thaw for around 30 seconds, before commencing a second freeze cycle. The tissue will freeze faster than the first freeze cycle.

For most lesions, cryotherapy is a permanent removal. A deeper lesion may take more than one treatment to get the results.

If a second treatment is needed on the same lesion, it is advised to leave a two week gap between treatments.

Cryotherapy is a relatively pain free, safe and non surgical way to get rid of skin tags moles and a number of other imperfections on the skin. Scarring does not normally occur. Darkening or tightening of the skin may occur temporarily, both resolve over time. The pigment change is more common in darker skin types.

After the initial consultation, the procedure only takes a few minutes in total.

There are no limitations following on from Cryotherapy treatment, other than to protect the area from damage or abrasion. Aftercare will always be discussed at the time of consultation.

Skin tags, age spots, warts, actinic keratosis, verruca’s Milia, cherry angiomas and other benign skin imperfections.

Cryotherapy requires no anaesthesia and has less scarring than other techniques of skin removal, with minimal post-op care. Treatment is fast, and can be integrated into your normal day.

Almost anyone can have this treatment to remove any unwanted lesions following consultation. Moles must be benign and/or cleared by a GP for removal.

Cryotherapy is a relatively low risk procedure. CryoPen delivers N20 (Nitrous Oxide) directly to the lesion, and not the healthy surrounding tissue. CryoPen is both CE and FDA registered.

The level of pain sensation is similar to a ball point pen being pushed onto the skin, when the nitrous oxide reaches the bottom of the lesion.

Depending on the size and depth of the lesion, the price is around £55 for the first lesion, multiple lesions may be treated at an add on cost of £10 per lesion. Any lesions which require a second treatment are done Free of Charge.

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Daytime, evening and some weekend appointments available.

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