
Vasculase Thread Vein Removal Treats thread veins, broken capillaries and spider veins using laser technology, a very quick, safe and effective treatment that offers immediate results.


The most effective proven treatment for thread veins is laser therapy, which removes unwanted veins using brief pulses of laser light. The laser works safely and only on the thread veins, leaving your surrounding skin unharmed. You may experience some minor bruising or swelling immediately after treatment, but this should subside within hours.

You can have this treatment on most areas of your face, neck and legs. Most veins will dissipate after one treatment, occasionally two treatments may be needed, and results are permanent.

It is always useful to understand why you may have thread veins, there are a number of factors which contribute to the appearance of thread veins on your skin. These factors may include:

Genetic inheritance, Ageing, Sedentary Lifestyle, Leg Injuries, Extreme changes in temperature, Sun-damage, Obesity, Alcohol, Smoking, Pregnancy, Hormonal Changes

How to prevent thread veins

There are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting thread veins in the future. These can also help ease any discomfort from the ones you may already have.

  • Wear elastic support stockings and avoid tight clothing that constricts your legs.
  • Avoid wearing high heels for long periods of time..
  • Eat a low-salt diet rich in high-fiber foods.
  • Wear SPF 30 lotion to protect your skin.
  • Exercise regularly to improve leg strength and circulation.
  • Avoid crossing your legs for a long length of time when sitting. 
  • Lift your legs when resting as much as possible.
  • Don’t stand or sit for long periods of time.

Prior to treatment, a thorough consultation and patch test will need to be carried out at least 48 hours prior to treatment, this is included within the price quoted.

Sclerotherapy, an alternative method of thread vein removal using tiny injections into the vein using a solution, which forces the vein to collapse and then overtime fades. Several treatments are usually required for a problematic area. 

Thread veins (also called spider veins, broken blood vessels, broken veins or capillary veins), are small red, blue or purple veins that typically appear near the surface of the skin on the thighs, calves and ankles and face.

3D Vasculase involves directing intense light directly at the veins causing the blood within them to coagulate. The blood is then diverted to where it should be in veins deeper below the skin surface.

Veins are permanently removed after treatment.

However, you should bear in mind that this does not mean new ones won’t develop. Hormonal changes, pregnancy, weight gain and occupations that involve being active can all be contributing factors.

This treatment is safe and effective in treating thread vein removal. 3D Vasculase uses proven technology to ensure fantastic results with a fast treatment time. As with all laser treatments, you will need to wear protective eye-wear during the treatment.

During the treatment, as laser technology is used, you will feel a minor heat sensation as the laser moves across the skin. You will be able to see the vein visibly disappearing.

This treatment can be suitable for women and men over the age of 18 with concerns about the appearance of thread veins who don’t have any of our contra-indications*

This treatment can target thread veins in various areas on the body including thighs, calves, ankles and face.

As the 3D Vasculase treatment is permanently removing the vein, only one treatment is typically required. However, your treatment plan will need to be assessed during consultation as this may vary depending on each client.

Results can be seen instantly with veins visibly disappearing during the treatment.

Initially, following the treatment, the area may appear red. This is just the skin’s natural reaction and it should settle within 24 hours.

You will receive an aftercare leaflet which explains any post-treatment care required.

Ready to book?

Daytime, evening and some weekend appointments available.

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